This arresting tree-guy-thing is the centerpiece of the Chococreed exhibit. I really can't tell you a lot about Chococreed, except they're a good example of what goes on here in Angouleme year-round. As I understand it, it is a group of young authors and artists who produce comic magazines and books. Much of their work is for and about children. I do know a lot of it is really, really cute. And I mean that in a good way. Sadly, it really isn't practical for me to show you much of the actual exhibits that make up the festival. However, thanks to the character of our friend the Worldwide Web, I can in many cases provide you with links to most of the things we talk about. On the preceding page is a link to the Chococreed Web site, and this is a story from the Chococreed people. Don't worry if you can't read the title. There are no other words.